

You’ve reached the ultimate destination for Michigan Psychics and the home of Psychic Readings by Ronn.  Ronn Sussberg has been working with clients in the Michigan area for the better part of three decades to help them divine their past, present and future.  Ronn is skilled in the arts of mediumship, or the ability to communicate with those who have passed on to the other side.  He helps clients find closure by channeling deceased loved ones.

As a Michigan Psychic, he also divines the future through the ancient art of scrying, more commonly known as prediction through interpreting images in a crystal ball or orb.  Ronn does not deal in generalities.  His Michigan clients know him as the psychic medium who can provide specific answers to their most burning questions about life, death, and the great beyond.  Ronn is best known for his predictive abilities, but he also has several other skills that he uses to expand his clients’ knowledge of the supernatural and of themselves.

Michigan Psychics and Psychometry

Ronn Sussberg is one of the more experienced Psychometric Michigan Psychics in the state.  For those unfamiliar, Psychometry is the extremely rare ability to gain new knowledge from inanimate objects that may have been present for significant historical events, or events in one’s personal or family life.  By touching an old family heirloom, Ronn can explain its history and perhaps the history of those who owned it.  If you are located in the Michigan area, you can visit Ronn in person to share in his rare ability.

Past Life Regression

Ronn also has the ability to tell you about your former lives.  Many mystics believe that we all live an infinite amount of lives and are constantly reincarnated with no knowledge or memory of our past lives.  Michigan Psychic Ronn Sussberg possesses the unique ability to tap into those past lives by entering a trance and experiencing what his clients were like when they lived those previous lives.

The idea of past lives has been part of the human experience for eons.  In ancient Indian culture, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Upanishads explore the idea that humans have lived past lives and that through deep meditation it may be possible to access those deep-seated memories from another plane of existence.

Chinese mythology also delves into the concept and even explores the reason humans are not able to remember their past selves.  The powerful deity Meng Po, or The Lady of Forgetfulness makes all departed souls drink an elixir which destroys all of their memories of a past self before they are able to be reincarnated again.

You can learn more about psychometry, mediumship, past-life regression and much more if you visit Psychic Readings by Ronn’s Official Michigan Psychics Twitter.